Brain Res. Brain Res. Rev 2000 Mar;31(2-3):113-7
Familial and Genetic Mechanisms in Schizophrenia
Fuller Torrey E, Yolken RH
A distinction should be made between genetic aspects of schizophrenia and
familial aspects. Genetic aspects of the disease have been reviewed and
found to be deficient in many respects. Until recent years, familial
factors were assumed to be psychological in origin, but this assumption is now
discredited. Research efforts should focus on familial factors that are
biological, especially infectious agents that may be transmitted within the
family. Most infectious agents are influenced by predisposing genes.
The etiology of schizophrenia, then, may turn out to involve biological familial
infectious agents that are influenced by susceptibility genes governing the
infectious process and the clinical expression of the disease.