HERV-K (HML-2) Insertions Distinguishing Human Genome from Non-Human Primates
B. Lebedev
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russ.Acad.Sci.,
Miklukho-Maklaya str., 117997 Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 (095) 330
6329 FAX: +7 (095) 330 6538 e-mail: [email protected]
Retroelements (REs) of human genome bear crucial information about evolutionary
events. Thus, the identification of human specific integrations in the vicinity
of human genes, especially those involved in embryo development, could reveal
the REs which possibly played a role in the split of the human and other
hominoid lineages. In particular, ongoing integrations of Human Endogenous
Retroviruses (HERVs) and their activities could be a key factor of primate
genome evolution.
perform genome-wide comparison of RE integration site and RE activity
distinguishing closely related genomes we developed experimental approaches. A
method consists of (i) a whole genome selective amplification of the flanks
adjacent to target REs, and (ii) further analysis of obtained sequences using
subtractive hybridization, differential display, and differential hybridization
screening techniques.
of developed methods was applied for the detection of differences between the
human (H. sapience) and chimpanzee (P. troglodytes) genomes those
occurred due to HERV-K retrotranspositions. Over 80 LTRs human specific elements
were identified. Further phylogenetic analysis of the LTR sequences allowed us
to predict simultaneous retrotransposition activity of at least 3 distinct
‘master genes’ during hominid evolution. Total amount of the human specific LTRs
was estimated at the level of 120-150, and corresponding insertions were
searched from the draft of human genome. About 30% of the identified LTRs were
mapped in close vicinity or within introns of human genes. We found
human-specific HERV-K LTRs integrations in introns of 17 human genes most of
them oriented in opposite direction relative to the gene transcription.
second technique was used to compare the transcription level of human endogenous
retroviruses (HERV‑K) LTRs in testicular germ cell tumors and their normal
tissue counterparts. The result enabled us to get an overview of individual LTRs
within the whole-genome transcribed fraction and to reveal differences in
transcription patterns of the LTRs in normal and tumor tissues. An unexpectedly
large number of the LTRs was found to be transcribed. The content of many of the
transcripts being different in normal and tumor tissues. The data obtained
indicate that an appreciable fraction of the LTRs retained the regulatory
potential through millions of years of the evolution and thus may contribute to
the overall transcription regulatory network.
Methylation profiles of loci containing the human specific LTRs were
investigated in several human tissues and cell lines. With the use the developed
technique we found that many human-specific LTRs are differentially methylated
in human tissues and possibly their methylation status could be linked with
expression of adjacent genes.